
Development & AI | Alper Akgun

Creating Your Own Static Website with GitLab Pages:

August, 2023

Hello, fellow tech enthusiasts! Today, we're diving into the exciting world of static websites and exploring how to create one using GitLab Pages. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, this guide will walk you through the process in a concise and friendly manner.

Getting Started:

When I set out to create my own static block using GitLab Pages, my search led me to GitLab Pages' documentation, which offered multiple avenues to create a static website or blog. One approach that caught my eye was utilizing a project template. This involves a few simple steps: creating a new repository, selecting a template, and deploying it through a pipeline.

Step 1: Creating a New Repository and Choosing a Template

To kickstart the process, I headed over to GitLab and created a new repository. The key here is to select an appropriate template that aligns with your website's theme or purpose. I opted for a plain HTML website and decided to name it "Dev AI". Remember, it's essential to make your repository public to ensure your website can be accessed by others.

Step 2: Running the Pipeline

Once the repository was set up and the template chosen, it was time to run the pipeline. This step involves initiating a pipeline that would build and deploy the static website. The pipeline job was seamlessly executed, and I was thrilled to see it succeed. The underlying code that fueled this process leveraged the Alpine latest Docker image, providing a reliable foundation for the deployment.

Step 3: Accessing Your Website

With the pipeline successfully executed, it was time to revel in the results. I navigated to the "Deploy Pages" section and voilĂ ! My brand-new static website was live and accessible through the provided link. The feeling of accomplishment was truly impressive.

Making Your Mark:

Now that the initial website was up and running, I decided to make a few personalized tweaks. Utilizing GitLab's user-friendly web IDE, I effortlessly made changes to the content. I replaced the default information with my own details, refining the site's identity. I also removed unnecessary links temporarily and archived a section for future use.

Step 4: Committing Changes and Merging

After polishing up my static website, I committed the changes to a new branch. GitLab's online web IDE seamlessly guided me through the process of creating a merge request. This streamlined approach made collaborating and managing changes a breeze.


And there you have it! In just a few straightforward steps, I was able to create and deploy my very own static website using GitLab Pages. From selecting a template and running pipelines to accessing the live site and making personal touches, the journey was both rewarding and educational. Whether you're showcasing a project, sharing your thoughts, or establishing an online presence, GitLab Pages offers a user-friendly path to crafting an impressive static website. Until next time, happy coding!